Image from Disney's "Tangled"

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Encomium for Fall

This was assignment from the fall, and I thought I'd share it with y'all :)

The Beauty of Fall

At the edge of summer, a time for bliss, lies the season of fall with its chilly kiss. When the kiss's fresh fall breeze touches bare cheeks, it signals a change in weather and time. One of the breeze's subtle signals of change can be sensed by the nose. Fall's breeze carries its crisp scent to countless creatures just as bees distribute pollen from rose to rose. Following the breeze, changes in appearance soon arise. First, the leaves transform from luscious green to a collage of yellows, oranges and reds that surpasses the beauty and complexity of a bird's feather or a butterfly's wing. As the leaves shift colors and the breeze brings chills, people pack on layers, so even to humans fall's change spills. Although fall brings these beautiful transformations, its power over people's hearts is my greatest fascination.

As fall introduces these changes in nature, it is nature's example people must follow after. By presenting these changes through senses, fall persistently prods people to adjust as well. During fall, when the temperature cools just bit, people venture outdoors and pack a tent to pitch. Activities like these bring people closer together, but these actions occur only because of the weather. When fall supplies these moments to bond, it teaches people to grow closer by communicating; however, these new relationships often bring more alterations to their lives. Although people may dislike these changes – or others that life provides, fall brings a phenomenon that few other things can when it opens the heart of a woman or man.

By acquainting people with changes in nature, fall encourages them to accept unfamiliar and new events. Although spring also presents a time of change, it distracts human hearts rather than bringing them to this acceptance – this virtue. Spring brings summer, restless longing for laziness, and lack of structure. Of these, the latter two resemble vices. In contrast, fall promotes modesty and acceptance of change – some virtues to name; therefore, fall puts spring and every other season to shame. Fall’s virtue continues by using beautiful transformations to inspire people to embrace the changes that typically come with the season such as a fresh start to a school year, winter’s icy weather, and holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving. By this inspiration and depicting change as a welcome part of life, fall helps people fight the tendency to resist greater changes that may arrive later. Most importantly, and perhaps fall's greatest achievement, fall encourages people to accept inevitable changes such as growing old, changing jobs, facing death or simply changes in weather. The changing leaves and temperature of this season prevent people from fearing things beyond their control – a significant accomplishment.

Fall changes both nature and human hearts in ways that no other season can. The beauty it brings in the colors of leaves reflects its magnificent ability to bring virtue to man. No other time of year or motivational force has the power to cause humans to embrace alterations, which they would otherwise resist despite even the greatest persuasions. The wonders of fall could never be justified by simple words or reason, yet someone must attempt to at least give thanks for such a glorious season.

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