Image from Disney's "Tangled"


People don't understand what Love truly is.
How love truly works.
People don't understand it's not all about joy,
But a lot about hurts.
Those moments when gravity pulls you so deep into the ground
That your heart breaks and crumples without a sound.

The thing about love is you often don't see it
Until it's already gone.
Though you keep on living and loving,
You can't help but think of what you've lost.
No matter how much you try to hide,
There's no way to bottle the feelings inside.

You lay there in bed deep into the night
Unable to rest from the tears that you cry
Or the sobs that shake your body with terrible might
Or the thoughts that play over and over in your head
As you toss over and over and over in your bed.

Love is that moment when you want to scream,
Begging God for it to be just a dream.
This can't be life. Can't be reality.
You want to be blind! So you don't have to see.
Love hurts. It torments. It prods your soul,
Seeming to have in mind the devil's goal.

This love though that makes you want to go outside
Hardly dressed, to ball up and cry,
Just to feel on the outside what you feel within
Is a grace from God, to be cherished and lift that falling chin

While love brings pain when she must depart
Though seeing her cry rips apart my heart
Thank God for this moment.
Thank God for this pain.
For we are lucky to hurt as such
For it means we love her so very much.

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